Powerful Advice on Winning The Press Release War

How To Make Your Press Releases Work

There is no disputing the fact that press releases can work wonders if you know how to write them well. This is true whether your business is a traditional brick and mortar business or if it is web based. But you cannot produce crap releases and expect much if you're realistic. The trick is that you need to do more than take an article you'd have used for article marketing and send it out to a couple of free online release distribution sites.

Never send your press release as an e-mail attachment. It will not work. If you simply consider how many e-mails you have ever opened with an attachment, you know that this would not work.

Never, right? You wouldn't have an exception to this rule would you? It's good to target individual recipients for your release but put the release in the body of the email. A personalized message is the way you will get people to read your press release. It will direct people to read what you have sent them without them ignoring it the moment that it arrives. It's all about making the prospective client curious - the personalized message will make them wonder about what you have sent and then they will read what is below the paragraph. You can make a lot of money doing this. It takes just a couple minutes. Hopefully, this puts everything into perspective. It did, didn't it?

Hopefully you want people to get in touch with you if you are making a real press release, so give them a way to do that. What you need to provide is your company email address, address and company phone number. You want to create a positive impression, so use the proper format and include proper information. Of course if you are just going for cheap backlinks, then it does not matter and you do what you want. Contact information offers people personal contact with you, which is another avenue through which you can sell your product or service.

Press releases get better results when I loved this they are sent on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Early in the week, Monday, is typically one of the worst days to get your PR submitted. There are so many reasons for this, but that does not matter so just avoid Monday. On Fridays people are itching to quit their work week and will most likely shuffle your release into a pile to be dealt with next week. There is nothing complicated about this, and that is why it is easy and a task for almost any IM marketer.

As you can see, one of the best things that you can use to increase your business productivity and traffic, not to mention sales, is to use press releases. This article has presented a few of these ideas. You will slowly learn many reasons to keep working with them. Always remember that success comes down to only a couple things: the amount of work that you put into your business and how well you write your press releases before distribution.

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